Tip 13: Using Watering Cans

fill up your watering cans so the water can come to room temperature before watering

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Tip 12: Thin Root Vegetables For Best Results

Carrots, beets, and radishes are best direct seeded and thinned after they have sprouted

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The YUF 2011 Holiday Promotion

Celebrate the holiday season with a festive kumquat tree or mini-bay tree. Available for a limited time from our online store.

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Tip 11: Get Creative When Faced with a Bounty of Veg

Use your imagination and get creative to freeze, dehydrate, cook, steam, fry, or bake your extra vegetables from your home garden.

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Tip 10: What is Succession Planting?

Succession planting is planting the same crop over a period of time to ensure continual production over a season. It can also refer to replanting an area with new plants once the existing plants have been harvested.

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5 Things You Must Consider Before Starting An Edible Garden

Understand these 5 things and learn how to avoid the frustration of a weedy garden and set your garden up for success and long term enjoyment.

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Tip 9: What is Well Draining Soil?

Learn how to identify and test your soil for drainage and how to improve sandy and clay soil.

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Tip 8: What Are Hybrid Plants?

Learn what the differences between hybrid and genetically modified plants and common hybrid varieties.

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2011 YUF Garden Gallery

See the different kinds of raised beds, container gardens, and in-ground gardens YUF helped setup in 2011

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Tip 7: Why Do Plants Bolt?

Plants bolt and flower mainly due to stress and to finish the reproductive process. This changes their taste and flavour of most leafy greens.

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