Monthly Archives: April 2014

Tip #108: 5 Uses for Spray Bottles in the Garden

Keep spray bottles handy to cool off in summer, control pests, diseases, and apply compost tea

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April 25 2014, Barbara Damrosch

Wise words from renowned farmer of Four Season Farm…

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Tip #107: Spring Garden Tips

Run through our checklist of tasks to get your garden off to a great start this spring.

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April 18 2014, Elizabeth Murray

Wise words from an American painter…

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Lifestyle Videos: Natural Pest Control Part 2

We’ve partnered with our friends at Lifestyle Videos to put together part 2 of natural pest control.

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Tip #106: Grow Baby Greens for Your Mesclun Mixes

In addition to lettuce, arugula, radicchio, mizuna, beet tops, swiss chard, spinach, and watercress all make excellent additions as baby greens to your salad mixes

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April 11 2014, Marcelene Cox

Rejoice in the rain…

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Greenhouse Trip #3 recap

Read about our recent trip to the greenhouse to start our kale, chard, early greens, and more.

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Tip #105: What is the difference between German and English Chamomile?

English and German chamomile are both excellent plants to grow in the garden with essential oils used since ancient times for healing.

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April 4 2014, Hans Christian Andersen

Wise words from the Danish fairy tale author…

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