LED Growing Lights
LED Growing Lights Additional Information

Young Urban Farmers is proud to become the first Canadian distributor of an innovative new series of LED growing lights by HydroGrow. These LED lights feature multiple LEDs  finely tuned to the six specific wavelengths in the red and blue spectrum that produce the maximum plant growth and maximum chlorophyll absorption.

Grow All Kinds of  Fresh Vegetables, Fruit, and Herbs

Xtreme-LED Grow LightsWith these growing lights, you can grow fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, herbs, strawberries, and more all year long, no matter what the weather or outdoor growing conditions are. Whether you grow using a traditional soil-based media or hydroponically, from seeds or transplants, you can easily and quickly grow all kinds of plants.

Save Money On Your Produce

These LED growing lights feature very low power consumption. In a side by side comparison between a 336X-Pro LED Grow Light and a 1000W HPS, it was proven that the LED light produced up to 1.7x more yields, and using 55% less energy. Depending on what you grow, these lights can easily pay for themselves within 1 year.

Home gardeners already know how much they can save using an outdoor garden. Now indoor gardeners and those without access to an outdoor sunny location can enjoy the same benefits of fresh, nutritious produce all year round.

Easy Setup and Maintenance

These growing lights are lightweight, easy to setup, come with an industrial-strength ratchet system, and do not require special power converters, ventilation/cooling systems, or replacement bulbs. Unlike traditional T5 or HPS systems, there’s also no need to switch bulbs or between different lighting systems based on the phase of plant growth.

If you find one unit isn’t enough, multiple LED systems also can be power linked together (up to 1200W), taking up only 1 electrical outlet.

Environmentally Friendly Growing

HydroGrow’s LED lights do not contain any mercury or heavy metal. They are 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly, drawing less power and generating less heat compared to other growing light systems.

Outstanding Yields

The secret to high yields is a unique lens that amplifies specific wavelengths for up to 5.7x more output. This gives better light intensity over greater distances and better light penetration even through several layers of foliage. Plants are bushier, develop stronger root systems, are less susceptible to disease, and produce higher yields with less work.

View some side by side comparison videos of various lighting systems.

Models and Sizes Available

21X LED Grow Light 84X LED Grow Light
21-X – $249 84-X – $599
126X LED Grow Light 168x LED Grow Light
126-X – $899 168-X – $1199
189X LED Grow Light 336X LED Grow Light
189-X – $1299 336-X – $1799

Click here for detailed product information, including dimensions, wattage, and more.

Ordering Information

We’re working on incorporating these products into our online store. In the meantime, you can place an order by emailing us at info@youngurbanfarmers.com with the model number and number of units. You can also call us at 416-238-5715. You’ll have a chance to finalize and confirm your order after emailing us.

Additional Information

Click here for more information on these LED growing lights, including frequently asked questions, andcomparisons between other lighting systems, and sample growing videos. You can also download a pdf product brochure.