Beans and peas fall into the legume family and are both easy to grow and good for your garden. They have natural nitrogen fixing properties and produce high yields. In addition, large seeds make it much easy to get kids involved in the planting.
Beans and peas fall into the legume family and are both easy to grow and good for your garden. They have natural nitrogen fixing properties and produce high yields. In addition, large seeds make it much easy to get kids involved in the planting.
Bush beans grow close to the ground and are planted when the weather and soil have warmed up and all chance of frost has passed. These are some of our favourite varieties.
Pole beans are climbing plants and need a trellis, fence. deck, or support to grow and thrive. We typically grow pole beans on our bean teepee or along a lattice fence.
Peas are a cool season crop best grow in the spring and fall. Almost all varieties need some sort of support.