Posts tagged with: transplants

Tip #254: Choosing the Right Transplant Size

When it comes to selecting transplants for your garden, different growers will offer plants in different sizes. Selecting the size that makes the most sense for your garden and budget is the focus for this week’s tip and we’ll go […]

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Greenhouse Trip #3 recap

Read about our recent trip to the greenhouse to start our kale, chard, early greens, and more.

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Greenhouse Trip #2 Recap

Enjoy a taste of summer with a recap of our second greenhouse trip to start our tomato and basil seeds for the 2014 growing season

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5 More Things You Must Consider Before Starting and Edible Garden

Pests and animals, soil structure, seeds vs. transplants, long term planning, and previous use of land should also be considered before starting an edible garden

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Greenhouse Trip #1 Recap

Enjoy a taste of spring with our recap of our first trip to our partner greenhouse to start our pepper, eggplant and onion seeds for the 2014 growing season

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Tip #55: Hardening Off Plants

Hardening off your plants is an important step to ensure a healthy and productive garden.

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Tip #38: Selecting Healthy Transplants for Your Garden

Look for vegetable and herb transplants that look healthy, have a strong roots but are not rootbound, and do not have any flowers developing on them.

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