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Get an Edible Garden
Grow Delicious Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit for
Individuals, Families, Schools, Restaurants and More.
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Your Unique Situation
Based on available space, sun conditions, and eating
preferences, we'll suggest different gardening options
that fit your schedule, gardening skills, and goals.
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The best urban farming products
field tested and curated just for you.
Edible Gardening Made Simple

We make edible gardening fun and easy with personalized service and outstanding products.

Enjoy the freshest and most delicious produce, indoors and outdoors no matter your gardening experience. We have solutions for individuals, businesses, and groups of all sizes.
What We Do

Residential Gardens

For houses, townhouses, condos and apartments, learn how to setup an edible garden in your front/back yard, deck, patio, balcony, and rooftop.

Commercial Gardens

For hotels, restaurants, schools, daycares, and office spaces, grow delicious produce as part of a production garden, teaching garden, or ornamental display.

Indoor Gardens

Grow all year round even with limited space, light, and sun conditions with stylish containers, environmentally friendly growing lights, microgreens, sprouting kits, and more.

Gardening Services

Get expert help including planning, design, on-site construction, and maintenance for all garden types of gardening spaces. Private coaching, workshops, and presentations also available.
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