YUF is proud to announce a new line of LED growing lights that enable you to grow fresh produce all year round including tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, and more!
YUF is proud to announce a new line of LED growing lights that enable you to grow fresh produce all year round including tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, and more!
Pear trees are a great choice for the edible garden. They are more disease resistant than apple trees, come in a variety of cultivars, sizes, and tastes.
Calendula is a popular plant for the edible landscape, herb garden, and vegetable patch. It has a long history as a culinary herb and medicinal herb.
Plants take in water through their roots by osmosis, then transfer it up to their stems, tissues, and leaves. Plants need a continual supply of water for proper growth and development.
There are two main types of melons: sweet melons like cantaloupe and honeydew and musk melons like watermelon