Site preparation is simple and straightforward with raised beds and container gardens. Sometimes, additional work will be required to level off an area or to prune back existing plants to ensure easy access for the raised bed or container. We then add our custom soil blend and are ready for planting.
For in-ground gardens, the process can be a bit more challenging depending on existing conditions. For example, removing sod/grass and double digging a garden area can be a vigorous and labour-intensive process. Despite the work, proper preparation is the best way to get the garden area ready for intensive growing and can be thought of as an investment in the long-term health of the soil, the plants, and the garden.
In-ground garden setup can also include removing existing plants, digging out larger tree/shrub roots, and working carefully around irrigation lines. Each in-ground project is unique, and we often don’t know exactly how long this process will take until we the work has been most or completely finished. We do everything we can to provide an accurate estimate for the work being done, but sometimes additional time and labour may be required.
Next, soil amendments like our YUF Custom Soil Mix, organic fertilizers, and stale seed bed preparations are used to get the in-ground area ready to support the vigorous growth of vegetables.
Finally, mulched pathways, row covers, and irrigation lines can be added to minimize weeding, deter pests, and make the next steps of garden maintenance easier.