Posts tagged with: tools

Tip #241: Sharpening Your Tools

Keeping your tools sharpened and honed will help you to become a faster, safer, and more efficient gardener. Learn the difference between sharpening and honing and an often overlooked tool.

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Tip #129: Fall Garden Tips

This fall, reflect on how the season went, collect deciduous leaves for your compost, and plant evergreens in your garden

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Lifestyle Videos: One Handed Gardening Tools

We’ve partnered with our friends at Lifestyle Videos to put together this video on one-handed gardening tools.

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Lifestyle Videos: Two Handed Gardening Tools

We’ve partnered with our friends at Lifestyle Videos to put together this video on two-handed gardening tools.

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Tip #107: Spring Garden Tips

Run through our checklist of tasks to get your garden off to a great start this spring.

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Tip #83: Prepare and Sharpen Your Tools

Clean off all dirt, tighten loose nuts, and sharpen blades of your garden tools to get them ready for another growing season and keep them in tip top shape.

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Tip #81: Use A Golf Bag to Carry Tools

Use an old golf bag to help you carry around tools, seed packs, water, and more when working in the garden.

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Tip #61: Turn A Rake Or Shovel Into Measuring Tool

Turn your garden rake or two-handed tool into a measuring tool with a measuring tape and permanent marker and ensure your seed and plant spacing is just as you want.

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Holiday Gift Ideas From Young Urban Farmers

See our selection of unique eco-friendly gift ideas including a worm composting e-book, a garden starter kit, YUF gift certificate and more from Young Urban Farmers

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